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    本设计以“风琴滑梯”作为中心焦点, 围绕着一棵大树螺旋而起,远眺的平台既能让在上面的人们遥望社区全景,又能成为吸引家长孩子们过来游玩的特色性标志物。

    设计以多样性为目标, 配备各种不同功能的产品以适合不同年龄阶段儿童身心发展的需要,形成色彩丰富,参与性与游乐性极强的空间环境。孩子们在安全的环境中体验冒险的精神,不仅对儿童认知、运动、 协作等方面具有促进作用, 同时儿童活动空间本身与周围人工自然环境的充分融合,也极富象征意味地拓展了社区家庭间交往的联系。
    This design is based on the "organ slide" as the focus, around a big tree and spiral, overlooking the platform can make people look at the top of the community and become a panorama, attract parents the children to come to play. The characteristics of the markers to design diversity as the goal, equipped with a variety of different products to fit function the need of different age stages of children's physical and mental development, the formation of rich colors, in the space environment and recreation is very strong. The children experience the spirit of adventure in a safe environment, not only exercise on children's cognitive, collaboration and other aspects, promote, and children's activity space itself and the full integration of artificial natural environment around also, a symbol to expand the exchanges between community family ties.