El Porvenir Social Kindergarden 设计方:Giancarlo Mazzanti建筑师事务所位置:哥伦比亚 开工:2007竣工:2009年分类:教育建筑内容:实景照片图片:18张安装图酷APP可以免币下载无水印高清大图,点此了解详情埃尔波韦尼尔幼儿园第1张图片下载原图标签:教育建筑实景照片建筑面积:2100平方米
The project seeks to build a model based on the combination of recognizable units (the tape, rotated module-class room (children), public use modules (adults)), with the possibility of the production of a unique pieces system that can develop a complex organizational structure and adaptive than the sum of the parts (adapted). What is into the tape belongs to children (class rooms) is colorful, is infantile, there are defined sub-spaces for small groups, is introverted and private; outside of the tape are grouping the uses that can be publics (administration, kitchen, etc), is outgoing and toward the city, ideal for meetings of large groups.