Kengo Kuma: Kids Academy Taiyogaoka Hoikuen
译者: Wind巽
In a city bordered by the Sea of Japan, a modest, one-floor nursery realizes Kengo kuma's aim for 'a small architecture' with a far-reaching, single material palette. The nursery school in the peninsular prefecture of Ishikawa uses the striking patterns of wood grains to create a dynamic interior and exterior skin for the building. While the outer envelope is delineated by a pattern of panels, the classrooms are clad in the mirrored curls of alternating 'crotch-sectioned' wood. The pair of such a grain pattern is 'book matched', meaning that irregularities in the flat-sawn plane are put end-to-end so as to highlight the beauty of the alternately colored bands in the wood growth. The feather-like pattern is also marked by a landscape of dark knots in the planks, flattened into an almost graphic pattern as they skin the simple geometries of the rooms. A more regular perpendicular pattern characterizes the floor-- a tectonic trope more daring explored in the differently oriented panels of the exterior. Rectangular apertures interrupt the large-scale wooden tiles and are often recessed from inner spaces to create a diffused tunnel of light.