金科城位于重庆两江新区,以约800亩体量雄踞重庆北端门户要津,嘉陵江奔腾而过,与悦来国际会展中心、礼嘉国际商务中心对岸相望,是两江新区规划的高品质生态型商住区。项目毗邻嘉悦大桥、蔡家大桥,辅以中环快速干道,渝合高速,金兴大道等快速通达全城。轻轨6号线曹家湾轻轨站开通运营,7条公交线路连通渝北、渝中、沙区。金科城旁西南大学两江实验中学预计2017年开校。目前项目在售业态覆盖别墅、洋房、高层、商业,全业态发售.山墅是金科城的纯观江组团别墅,其依山而建,排列错落有致,层次分明,拥有峡谷般的一线观江之美景。采用西班牙建筑风格,黄墙红瓦,色彩分明,给房屋注入阳光与活力,拱形门廊,弧形窗,营造出柔和尊贵的生活氛围。 目前在售的15栋平地别墅,套内面积约140-180㎡。 59区位于金科城西侧,以14栋洋房和6栋小高层组成建筑层次分明,不超过23层,楼间距达33米的低密度国际生活住区。2016年6月一期接房,目前为现房发售,套内面积约59-114㎡。 金科城自建9万方社区商业,带租约销售,金科专业商管团队招商,现房现铺。来源http://www.yinhuojiaoyu.com
Jinke city is located in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing. With a volume of about 800 mu, Jinke city is the gateway of Chongqing's north end. Jialing River runs by and faces Yuelai International Convention and Exhibition Center and Lijia international business center. It is a high-quality ecological commercial and residential area planned by Liangjiang New Area. The project is adjacent to Jiayue bridge and Caijia bridge, supplemented by the central ring expressway, Chongqing Hefei expressway, Jinxing Avenue and so on. Caojiawan light rail station of light rail line 6 is open for operation, and 7 public transportation lines connect Yubei, Yuzhong and Shaqu. Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Southwest University next to Jinke city is expected to open in 2017. At present, the project is selling villas, western houses, high-rise buildings, and commercial buildings. The Shanshu is a pure Guanjiang group villa in Jinke city. It is built on the mountain, arranged in a staggered way, with a clear hierarchy, and has a beautiful view of the river like a canyon. It adopts Spanish architectural style, yellow walls and red tiles, with distinct colors, to inject sunshine and vitality into the house. The arched porch and arc window create a soft and noble living atmosphere. Currently, there are 15 flat villas on sale, covering an area of 140-180 ㎡. District 59 is located in the west side of Jinke city. It is a low-density international residential area with 14 western houses and 6 small high-rise buildings, which are not more than 23 floors and 33 meters apart. In June 2016, phase I received the house, which is now on sale, with an area of 59-114 ㎡. Jinke city self built 90000 square meters of community commerce, with lease sales, Jinke professional business management team investment, existing houses are now paved.
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3 本团队拥有多年的建筑工程经验,居住建筑、公共建筑、城市规划、新农村规划等丰富的经验。
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